The light of memory
— 2019 —

A new way to connect with loved ones.
Live apart, stay together.
To revive the sense of family is what we want to achieve.
. . .
How do we miss home?
Background : The senior adults who were living outside nursing homes or hospitals in 2010, nearly one third (11.3 million) lived alone.
There are 5 million+ international students globally in 2017,and most of them experience the feel of lonely and homesick.
Concept : To create an indoor/personal product which reminds/connects me back to my family through a tangible experience
We sketch a lot of ideas and finaly decide on the light which gives interior environment warmth and comfort. This installation is designed to be a secondary light for users’ house, helping families in different locations to embrace the sense of being together.
Color & Material Scheme
We choose various materials for the lights

How does it work?
We believe, “it” should create a desire to feel, to connect
Waving to the light means saying ’Hi !' to your family while the light bulb will go down a little.
When your family 'see' your wave, they can wave back from their side.
The messages sent between the family will accumulate as light in the bulb, to some extent, encouraging users to contact their family frequently.
Prototype working process
We chose MDF board and cloth to make the prototype

Group Project: The light of memory
Project Duration: 10 weeks